Tile and Grout Sealer



Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents with Tile and Grout Sealer

Tile flooring has been around for centuries, it’s trusted for its durability and stylistic customization. Tile flooring is popular in many homes and businesses, where it provides relatively low maintenance and costs. But, tile flooring presents a real hidden danger that most people don’t realize until it’s happened. Slip and fall injuries often happen on tile flooring, falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits. Is your tile flooring a slip and fall accident waiting to happen? You can help avoid slip and fall frustrations with our ceramic tile sealer.

At CoverTec Products, we’ve created some of the most innovative floor sealing products around. Our ceramic tile sealer can protect tile flooring by adding anti slip elements to its construction. Our Glaze Guard sealer creates an ultra durable top coat that increases your tile’s safety. This top coat is less slippery than tile alone. Additionally, the Glaze Guard ceramic tile sealer helps increase the water resistance of your tile floors. Instead of tile spreading across the entire flooring surface, it pools in one spot that’s simple to cleanup in one swipe. This keeps flooring from staying slippery for prolonged periods of time, increasing its safety.

We also offer an expansive tile and grout sealer that can prevent discoloration in your tiles and the sensitive grout. Grout is an important binding element in your tile flooring, but it comes with its own set of risks. Grout can easily become stained, and cleaning stains from your grout is easier said than done. The best way to keep your grout clean is to prevent staining from happening in the first place! Our NewTile System is extremely resistant to abrasion, scratching and staining. With the NewTile System, your flooring can enjoy exponential increases in slip resistance and overall traction.

Our tile and grout sealers are also wonderful for reducing cleaning and maintenance costs. This is because these sealants create a barrier over your tile surfaces, keeping contaminants from staining the surface in the first place. Instead, water, oil and other staining elements can simply be wiped away before they enter the pores of your tile flooring. Combined with added slip resistance, our tile and grout sealers are perfect for homeowners and business owners alike.

If you’re ready to increase the safety of your tile flooring, our sealing and coating products at CoverTec Products can help. With one simple application, you can keep your tile and grout clean for years to come. You can also keep your flooring safer by increasing traction and slip resistance. Your tile flooring is known for its durability, and with our ceramic tile sealers, you can truly make your tile flooring the strongest around.