Oil and Stain Resistant Penetrating Sealer
Choosing A Penetrating Stain And Oil Resistant Concrete Sealer

Oil-stained concrete brick pavers natural stone surfaces can be restored and protected.
Any Exposed Porous Surface Is Open To Staining And Discoloration.
Porous surfaces such as concrete, brick or natural stone are susceptible to staining and discoloration. Anyone telling you differently is misleading you. This can come from water, oil, organic and food based substances.
People in charge of keeping these surfaces clean and pristine often turn to clear concrete sealers to provide protection and reduce maintenance costs. However when it comes to oil and stain resistance, not all sealers are created equal.
Protect Warehouse Floors Against Fat And Grease Stains

Silane And Siloxane Sealers Only Prevent Water… Not Oils And Grease Contaminants.
Many of the penetrating type of sealers are silane and/or siloxane sealers (silicone based). These penetrating sealers are effective in sealing out water, but do not protect against oil based stains from petroleum products or from fat grease.
Protect Factory Floors Against Petroleum Products Or Fat Grease

Film-Forming Sealers Can Become Slippery And Yellow Over Time.
Other types of sealers are film-forming sealers, and a provide glossy barrier on the top surface that can become slippery and yellow with age.
Longer Lasting Oil And Water Stain Resistance.
Sealing products utilizing fluoropolymer resins offer superior stain resistance properties compared to other treatments. They are quickly becoming the next generation of surface protectors.
With a fluoropolymer-based penetrating sealer you get an invisible, non slippery, long-lasting oil and water stain resistance.
These products can be used on any interior or exterior concrete or masonry surfaces which are exposed to water, oil or other organic substances, usually susceptible to staining or discoloration.
Protect Refinery Floors Against Oils And Petroleum Stains

Using An Oil And Stain Resistant Penetrating Sealer
Most people have come into contact with a product that was made from a fluoropolymer.
Teflon™ fluoropolymers which were developed in 1938 by DuPont.
Teflon coatings are well known for their non-stick, friction-reducing properties.
In the same way penetrating sealers utilizing fluoropolymer resins are characterized by a high resistance to oils.
They also repel:
- Airborne dirt
- Pollution
- Acid rain
- Mineral and salt corrosion.
Protect School Floors Against Oils, Water & Soil

Fluoropolymer Products Create A Barrier That Locks-Out Oils, Water And Soil.
Fluoropolymer based sealers penetrate into porous materials (like concrete, natural stone and pavers, etc.), creating a long-lasting barrier that “locks-out” oils, water and soil.
This barrier forces liquids to bead up on the surface, allowing them to be picked up more easily, and preventing them from causing a stain.
Protect Hospital Floors Against Discoloration

Penetrating Sealers Also Prevent Dusting, Spalling And Inhibit Efflorescence
qThe penetrating sealer will not only provide improved chemical and oil resistance, but it will also prevent dusting, spalling and inhibit efflorescence.
Fluoropolymer sealers such as CoverSeal PEN 55 and CoverSeal PREMIUM are ideal solutions for protecting and maintaining:
- Factories
- Refineries
- Warehouses
- Schools
- Hospitals
- Shopping Malls
- Service Stations
- Parking Lots
- Plazas
- Garages
- Restaurants
- BBQ Dining Areas
Protect Shopping Mall Floors Against Oils And Soil

Basically, these products provide a very dense, protective seal anywhere porous hard surfaces need to appear clean and sanitary, with a minimal amount of cleaning and maintenance.
Choosing The Right Floor Sealer Is Critical
CoverSeal PEN 55 and Coverseal Premium fluoropolymer sealers will typically provide a barrier to the following contaminants:
CoverSeal PEN 55 and Coverseal Premium fluoropolymer sealers will typically provide a barrier to the following contaminants:

CoverSeal PEN 55 Water-Based, Oil And Stain-Resistant Penetrating Concrete Paver Sealer
CoverSeal PREMIUM Penetrating Sealer with Maximum Stain Resistance
Perfect for protecting against stains from:
Perfect for protecting against stains from:
- Cola
- Grape Juice
- Water
- BBQ Sauce
- Ketchup
- Mayonnaise
- Salad Dressing
- Soy Sauce
- Dirty Motor Oil
- Diesel Fuel
- Brake Fluid
- Anti-Freeze
- Transmission Fluid
- Red Wine
- Coffee
- Vegetable Oil
Find Out Which Stain And Oil Resistant Concrete Sealer Is Suitable For Your Project
If you’re interested in learning which is best for your specific situation, feel free to contact us at 888-237-7706.
We’d be glad to help you with application instructions or answer any technical support questions you may have.
If you’re doing large scale surface sealing projects, contact us for special pricing or deals on shipping and delivery.