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Which Industrial Floor Coatings Increase Safety?

There are many things that you’ve come to expect from your industrial flooring. First, your flooring needs to be durable. Second, it must be strong enough to withstand the use that you’re putting it through. Of course, your industrial flooring…

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Do You Need Tile and Grout Sealer?

Looking For The Right Tile And Grout Sealer? Tile flooring is touted as incredibly durable, stylish and long-lasting. While this may be true, there’s an Achilles heal to your tile flooring, and that’s its porous structure. The grout that binds…

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Can Natural Stone Sealer Make Pools Safer?

Ah, there’s nothing better than a warm day spent alongside the pool, soaking up the sun and enjoying the cool water. But pools do come with their inherent dangers all around the pool deck. All those cannonballs, games of water…

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Vinyl Floor Sealer Sunrise

When it comes to vinyl flooring, there are many subgroups that are all generally referred to as vinyl. It evolved from linoleum which is a common mixture of cork powder or other wood dust, pigments and binding agents that are…

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Where are the Best Places to Use Tile and Grout Sealer?

Tile has been used as a construction material for centuries, and it’s no mystery why. Tile can last for years while still holding strong. But, tile flooring isn’t completely impervious. In fact, it’s very susceptible to microbial damage thanks to…

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Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents with Tile and Grout Sealer

Tile flooring has been around for centuries, it’s trusted for its durability and stylistic customization. Tile flooring is popular in many homes and businesses, where it provides relatively low maintenance and costs. But, tile flooring presents a real hidden danger…

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How Can Natural Stone Sealer Improve Your Summer?

As the weeks grow warmer summer is well on its way. Before you know it, we’ll be in the season of cookouts, pool parties and outdoor events. Is your pool deck, patio or backyard ready for summer? Many outdoor spaces…

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